Useful Tools


A versatile online tool suite designed to enhance productivity across text, image, and code-related tasks with simplicity and efficiency.

Latest Update: 2024-03-24

3dicons is a website providing a vast collection of free 3D icons, available for personal and commercial use to enhance user interfaces, applications, and digital projects. These customizable icons, designed to add depth and visual interest, come in various formats suitable for diverse design needs.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17


AdBlock is a leading Chrome extension for blocking ads, enhancing privacy, and improving web browsing by eliminating distractions and protecting against malware.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17

AdBlock for Chrome™

AdBlock for Chrome™ is an essential Chrome extension for blocking ads, improving page load speeds, and protecting privacy by eliminating unwanted content and trackers.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17

AdBlock Plus

AdBlock Plus is a versatile ad-blocking extension enhancing browsing by removing ads, blocking trackers, and safeguarding against malware across multiple browsers.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard vector graphics software, offering precision and power in design, illustration, and typography across various mediums.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the leading software for photo editing and digital art, offering advanced features for creative professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Latest Update: 2024-03-24

Adobe XD

Adobe XD is a powerful UX/UI design tool for creating interactive prototypes and designs for web and mobile apps, with collaborative features and efficient workflows.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17

AI Code Mentor

Codementor is an online platform connecting developers with experienced mentors for on-demand 1:1 help in coding, training, and technical challenges. It offers real-time support, long-term coaching, and freelance jobs to enhance learning and project development.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17

Amazon Payment Services

A suite of Amazon-powered payment services offering easy, secure, and reliable online payment solutions for businesses and consumers in the MENA region.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17


Animate.css is a library of ready-to-use, cross-browser animations for use in web projects, allowing developers to easily add eye-catching effects to elements with CSS classes.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17


Animista is a web-based tool that allows designers and developers to explore, customize, and generate CSS animations with an intuitive visual interface, making it easier to bring web projects to life with dynamic visual effects.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17

Animo: Live CSS Editor

Animo: Live CSS Editor is a real-time CSS editing tool, enhancing web development with instant visual feedback and easy code integration.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17

Answer The Public

Answer The Public is a search insight tool visualizing real-time data on public queries, aiding content creation and market research.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17

Apple Mail

The default email client on macOS, iOS, and iPadOS devices, known for its intuitive interface, integration with Apple devices, and support for various email services.

Latest Update: 2024-03-17

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